News & Events

Understanding What Matters Most to our Supporters and Community Partners 

February 20, 2025

Over the past 30 years, we have built strong relationships that form our network of donors, fundholders, grantee organizations, supporters, and community leaders. That network is essential to our ability to operate and fulfill our mission to promote philanthropy and improve the quality of life for the residents of Berks County. To better serve the community, we want to understand what matters most to our constituents and supporters.   

With that in mind, we created a short survey to gather insights into the interests of our community. We asked: 

  • What is your relationship with Berks County Community Foundation? 
  • Berks County Community Foundation supports the community based on the philanthropic priorities of our donors. What topics interest you most for your potential philanthropic support in our community AND/OR an opportunity to learn about local issues?In other words, to what areas are you most likely to give and/or about which topics would you most like to learn? 
  • How would you like to learn more about topics that interest you? 
  • Please select your age range. 

A total of 72 community members completed the survey. The results revealed a wide range of interests as well as an appetite to learn more about those topics through various communication channels and events. The most popular topics aligned with areas of focus prioritized by our team of program officers. 

We will use the results of the survey to plan future communications and events, including targeted outreach to our constituents to invite them to participate in discussions, lunch & learn events, and other opportunities to engage with us and learn more about the topics that interest them most.  

If you would like to participate in the survey, please email, and I will send you the link. This information will help shine a light on the things that matter to help spark change in your community.   

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