Find Your Funding

Connecting you with ways to make your hopes, dreams and ambitions a reality.

Find funding for your future.

The generosity of our donors makes it possible for us to support your goals. Whether you’re a student in need of assistance, or an organization looking to increase its impact and reach, we have scholarships and grants that can help.

“With help from a grant, we kept several people from hypothermia and maybe even death when the wind chill hit subzero and the temp was 8 degrees, and we’re supplying Narcan and CPR masks to willing businesses in the community.”

Eugene York, MD

Founder, Reading Hospital Street Medicine Program

“One of my students used to HATE reading at the beginning of the year, and then started looking forward to Stories & Steps. It progressed to wanting to read at recess and improved reading level as well. LOVED this for our students.”

Fourth Grade Teacher

Governor Mifflin Area School District

Grants and Scholarships Spark Good Work in Berks County

Great things happen in our community with the help of grants and scholarships from the charitable funds local residents create.

We’re here for you.

Want to make a positive difference in your community? Need to know more about giving back, starting a fund, or getting funding? We’d love to chat.

Reach Out

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet Our Program Team

Kim, Monica, Dan, Emily, & Cindy

Berks County Community Foundation develops, manages and distributes funds for charitable purposes in the community. The official registration and financial information of Berks County Community Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.