As 2024 headed to a close, Berks County lost two of its giants.
Like any other community, Berks County has benefited from leaders who stood up, did the hard work of bringing a community together around its challenges and opportunities, and guided efforts to improve the quality of life. Without David Thun and Al Weber, that work will be harder.
David Thun died in a swimming accident on October 31. You would never have known he was 87 years old, given the vitality and energy that he displayed every day. The Thun family has a long and storied history in Berks County, but no one contributed more to that than David. While he was successful in business, I will most remember his contributions to the growth of our community. David was one of the founding members of the board of Berks County Community Foundation. Wading through a list of his community involvements is a dangerous task, as it feels infinite. I remember well his involvement with Berks Nature, the Schuylkill River Greenway, Reading Hospital, Penn State Berks, the Reading Symphony Orchestra, the Reading Public Museum and so many other organizations.
David and his wife Barbara were likely the first people my wife, Kim and I met when we moved to Berks County. They welcomed us and, more than anyone, David helped me learn the lay of the land here. We will miss the way David embodied the essence of a Berks Countian.
While David was the quintessential Berks Countian, Al Weber was not.
Born and raised in Boston, Al, who passed away in late November at the age of 72, never learned that there was an “R” in the word “park.” That Boston accent only added to his credibility as he led almost every nonprofit in Berks County, either as a board member or as a consultant guiding strategic planning.
Al served as Chair of the Community Foundation board from 2020-2023. There was no one’s counsel I valued more. Again, the list of community involvements would go on forever, and our debt to him can never be repaid.
Al’s biggest contribution to the Community Foundation, and perhaps our community, occurred during a staff retreat that he led as a consultant. About half-way through that meeting, Al said, “We need to toss this agenda. Your problem is that you’re trying to lead the community, but you’re charging fees like you’re a bank.”
We tossed the agenda, spent the afternoon figuring out how to create a sustainable business model, and as a result, built what is probably America’s best community foundation. Al’s ability to cut to the chase was unparalleled.
It’s the nature of communities that leaders emerge and, ultimately, leave the scene. Berks County will soldier on. Still, we benefitted greatly from the commitment that David and Al made to this community, and it will be hard to replace them. Our challenge moving forward is to build a community worthy of their trust.