Board and Committees

Board of Directors

Our volunteer Board of Directors represents a cross-section of community leadership. The Board directs the investment of funds, the distribution of grants, and the setting of strategic goals.

*Serves as an officer, not a board member.

Susan N. Denaro, Esq.

Board Chair
Plank Frankowski

Kevin K. Murphy

Berks County Community Foundation

*Frances A. Aitken, CPA

Berks County Community Foundation
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer

*Jay R. Wagner, Esq.

Stevens & Lee

D. Michael Baxter, MD

Former Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine

Lyn Camella-Rich

Retired Resident Director, Vice President
Merrill Lynch

Vicki Ebner, Esq.

Retired Senior Counsel
East Penn Manufacturing

Thomas Flynn

Former President of Alvernia University

Hon. Carissa Johnson, MBA

Magisterial District Judge
District Court 23-1-02

Tricia J. Salvatore Ludgate, CFP

Certified Financial Planner, Sovereign Financial Group, Inc.

Gabriela Raful, Esq.

Senior Partner
Galfand Berger, LLP

Michael J. Rowley,

Senior Advisor
Herbein + Company, Inc

Douglas F. Smith

Vice President
Commercial Loan Officer
Mid Penn Bank

Richard L. Stoudt, Jr.

Retired President
High Construction Company

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is responsible for managing the Community Foundation’s assets. The committee establishes and reviews investment guidelines and evaluates investment performance on a regular basis.

Lyn Camella-Rich


Susan N. Denaro, Esq.

Stephen M. Fritz

Kevin Murphy

P. Sue Perrotty

Douglas F. Smith

J. William Widing III, Esq

Rick Stoudt

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Berks County Community Foundation’s Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to the Foundation’s financial, operational and compliance information. They are responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process and annual independent audit on behalf of the Board and reporting results of their activities to the Board.

Michael J. Rowley, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFF


Susan N. Denaro, Esq.

J. William Widing III, Esq.

Vicki Ebner, Esq.

Douglas F. Smith

Stephen M. Fritz

Rick Stoudt

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee reviews and oversees the financial performance of the Community Foundation. It also engages with the independent auditors to assure a thorough and transparent presentation of the Community Foundation’s financial condition.

Michael J. Rowley, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFF


Susan N. Denaro, Esq.

Kevin Murphy

J. William Widing III, Esq.

Vicki Ebner, Esq.

Douglas F. Smith

Steve Fritz

Rick Stoudt

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has the authority to act for the board between meetings and, without the CEO present, reviews and makes recommendations to the board regarding executive compensation.

Susan N. Denaro, Esq.


Lyn Camella-Rich

Michael J. Rowley, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFF

Kevin K. Murphy

Jay R. Wagner, Esq.

Gabriela Raful, Esq.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee reviews the governance practices of the Community Foundation, determines the resolution for conflicts of interest and nominates board members and officers for the board’s consideration.

Gabriela Raful, Esq.


Julia H. Klein

Kevin K. Murphy

Susan N. Denaro, Esq.

Thomas Flynn

Hon. Carissa Johnson, MBA

Ramona Turpin

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