Boyertown Area Education Association Scholarship Fund

The purpose of this fund is to support scholarships for graduates of Boyertown Area High School who intend to attend a four year program for the purpose of obtaining a degree in the field of education and certification for the K-12 classroom.

Boyertown Woman in Life Science Scholarship Fund

Dr. Deborah S. Patt, former owner of The Patt Veterinary Hospital in Gilbertsville, established the Boyertown Woman in Life Science Scholarship in 2004. Dr. Patt is a native of the Boyertown area and is the daughter of a veterinarian, which strongly influenced her choice of profession. She spent much of her time working in her father’s practice. She is a graduate of Boyertown High School, Albright College, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. In 1978, she joined her father’s practice as a full-time associate veterinarian. In 1990, she assumed ownership of The Patt Veterinary Hospital. In 2016, she retired from practicing medicine. Dr. Patt is very interested in inspiring girls to pursue higher education in the life sciences, especially veterinary medicine, and wants to give something back to her community in which she has lived and worked all her life.

This scholarship is to be awarded to a female Boyertown Area Senior High School senior who intends to pursue a major in biology or the health sciences field. Preference will be given to students who intend to pursue a career in veterinary science; however, students who intend to pursue majors in medicine, dentistry, microbiology, biological research, medical research, or environmental studies are also eligible. Applicants must have obtained a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in high school.

Boyertown Young Woman in Science Fund

Dr. Deborah S. Patt, former owner of The Patt Veterinary Hospital in Gilbertsville, established the Boyertown Young Woman in Science Fund. Dr. Patt is a native of the Boyertown area and is the daughter of a veterinarian, which strongly influenced her choice of profession. She spent much of her time working in her father’s practice. She is a graduate of Boyertown High School, Albright College, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. In 1978, she joined her father’s practice as a full-time associate veterinarian. In 1990, she assumed ownership of The Patt Veterinary Hospital. In 2016, she retired from practicing medicine. Dr. Patt is very interested in inspiring girls to pursue higher education in the life sciences, especially veterinary medicine, and wants to give something back to her community in which she has lived and worked all her life.

This scholarship is to be awarded to one or more female students who are entering 8th grade in the Boyertown Area School District who have demonstrated an aptitude for and an interest in science, and who demonstrate a particular affinity for veterinary science and animals. The goal of the Fund is to develop, cultivate and encourage the love of science in young women to encourage them to consider academic study and careers in the health sciences, particularly veterinary science. The Fund seeks to meet this goal by providing for summer workshops, internships and other experiential programs within the continental United States to the selected student(s).

Science Teachers at the Boyertown Junior High Schools will select eligible candidates to complete applications.

Joseph W. Favinger Scholarship Fund

The Joseph W. Favinger Scholarship Fund was established at Berks County Community Foundation in 2015 in memory of Joe Favinger, a 2007 graduate of Governor Mifflin High School where he played football and baseball. Joe was an All State Selection and named Berks County Linebacker of the Year in 2006. He played American Legion Baseball for Shillington and worked as a Leader at the Mohnton Playground. Following graduation from high school, he attended Widener University for nursing where he was inducted into the Nursing Honor Society. Following graduation from Widener University in 2012, he was employed as a Registered Nurse at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Joe passed away in January 2015 at the age of 25.

This fund will provide two annual scholarships to graduating seniors of Governor Mifflin High School who will be furthering their education after high school and who demonstrate the characteristics exemplified by Joe.

One scholarship, recognized as the Joseph W. Favinger “Passion for Caring” scholarship, requires an online application to be completed by interested students. This scholarship will be awarded to a Governor Mifflin High School senior who intends to further his or her education in the medical field and who exhibits passion and dedication to caring for the needs of others. Applicants must have obtained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to apply. The recipient will be one who is respected by teachers and classmates for his or her enthusiasm for life and for helping others.

The second scholarship, recognized as the Joseph W. Favinger “Heartbeat of the Team” scholarship, will be awarded to a Governor Mifflin High School senior who exhibits passion and dedication to the sport he or she plays, love and loyalty to the teammates at his or her side, and a “never quit” attitude whose encouraging words are heard in victory and in defeat. The recipient is one who is adored and respected by coaches, teachers, teammates, and fans alike for the zeal he or she displays in sports and in life. Students are not required to complete an application for the “Heartbeat of the Team” scholarship. The “Heartbeat of the Team” scholarship will be selected by the athletic coaches at Governor Mifflin High School and will be awarded to a graduating senior who demonstrates the characteristics exemplified by Joe.

James Dicindio, Jennifer Gilbert, Leslie Saponsky, Boyertown Area Key Club, Kiwanis Club Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is named in memory of three Boyertown students who perished in an automobile accident in 1996: James DiCindio, Jennifer Gilbert and Leslie Saponsky.

Two or more scholarships will be awarded annually to graduating Boyertown Area Senior High School students who will be pursuing post-secondary education as full-time students. Scholarship recipients will be students who are members in good standing of the Boyertown Area Senior High School Key Club and have been for more than one year and who have achieved academic success, demonstrated leadership, and have provided service to others. The applicants should be of high moral character, and should rise above and beyond the ordinary, striving continually for personal excellence. In all endeavors, the recipients should exemplify the objectives and principles of Key Club and Kiwanis.

William M. Hoffman Scholarship Fund

The William M. Hoffman Scholarship Fund was created in memory of William Hoffman, who served the Berks-Mont community for decades as a police officer, ambulance driver, school board member, and a man of faith. He was an outstanding community servant who dedicated his life to serving others in the region. Bill was an inspiration to those who knew him and he was, and is, an invaluable part of the foundation upon which the Berks-Mont community is built. Bill’s widow, Helen, and many of the people who were honored to know and work with Bill, wanted to leave a legacy in his honor. The creation of the William M. Hoffman Scholarship Fund was considered the seed that could contribute toward the education of those who wanted to serve their community through a career in law enforcement, just as Bill had done decades earlier. This fund was established at Berks County Community Foundation in 2010 through the disbandment of the Berks-Mont Police Association.

The scholarship will be awarded to a senior at Boyertown High School who will be furthering his or her education as a full-time student at a 2-year or 4-year institution to pursue a career in law enforcement or criminal justice. It is not, however, to be awarded to a student who intends to study to be a lawyer. The ideal recipient will be someone who demonstrates the characteristics exemplified by William Hoffman: courage, service, and ideals to perpetuate the community and our country.

Robert and Kenneth Mace Scholarship Fund

This fund is named in memory of Robert Mace, a Boyertown Area High School graduate who was killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, and his brother, Kenneth, who died from leukemia in 2012. This scholarship is intended to recognize the value of the educational opportunity they received on graduating from Boyertown Area High School by providing the same for a deserving high school senior.

The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarships to students of Boyertown Area School District who will be furthering their education after high school. Further education may include a four-year or two-year college or university. The selected individuals will be students who exhibit a strong commitment to academics and unwavering dedication to their extracurricular school or community activities. They persevere through obstacles that get in the way of furthering and bettering themselves because of their strong desire for personal growth. These individuals are self-motivated, inspiring others to achieve as well. The recipients should be in the top 15 percentile of their high school graduating class. This scholarship is also based on financial need. Preference will be given to students intending to major in journalism or pre-law.

George V. and Dorothy M. Prutzman Family Scholarship Fund

The George V. & Dorothy M. Prutzman Family Scholarship Fund was established in 2002 to celebrate more than 30 years of dedicated volunteerism and community service. Working as a volunteer husband-wife team, the Prutzmans demonstrated leadership and an unselfish commitment to their community through long-term, active membership in multiple benevolent organizations, including the Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts of America, Boyertown Exchange Club, Boyertown Lions Club, Boyertown Lions Community Ambulance Service, Delaware Valley Eye Bank, Leader Dog Program, and Berks County Association for the Blind.

The Prutzmans’ contributions were as varied as the organizations in which they were engaged. They would always find a way to help, whether the “task-at-hand” was kitchen duty at a fundraising pancake breakfast, publishing a weekly club newsletter, holding a club officer position, or chairing a committee to deliver desperately needed services to the blind. If there was a need for “it” to be done, there was always a way to work it into their schedule. Community citizenship was their goal. Service to others provided its own reward.

The purpose of this fund is to provide scholarships to students of Boyertown Area School District who will be furthering their education after high school. Further education may include a two- or four-year college or university as well as a trade school or vocational school. The selected individuals will be those students who have demonstrated a significant service contribution to their community, church or school. The spirit of this scholarship is to reward unselfish young adults who recognize the value of volunteering their time & efforts in order to satisfy a greater community need. Additionally, the candidates will have demonstrated sustained academic achievement by ranking in the top 25 percentile of their high school class.

Carl A. Yescavage Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is awarded in memory of Carl A. Yescavage. Carl served the Boyertown Area School District for 35 years as a teacher and principal, with 24 of the years serving as principal of New Hanover Upper Frederick Elementary School. He was a dedicated educator and principal who had the respect of staff and students alike because of his compassion, support, understanding, and commitment to excellence. He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from Kutztown State Teachers College and his Masters of Education in Elementary Administration from Lehigh University.

Mr. Yescavage was married 42 years to his wife, Rebecca, and they raised two sons, Scott and Kurt. Mr. Yescavage had a strong interest in service to his community and church. He was active in the Boyertown American Legion Baseball Program, serving as Ticket Chairman and Committee member, and secretary of the Berks County American Legion Baseball League. He was a member of the Boyertown Optimist Club and was awarded the Board of Directors Award for his lifelong dedication to the youth of the Boyertown Area. He also served as Majority Inspector of Elections in Boyertown. Mr. Yescavage was also an active member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Bechtelsville, where he served on church council and several committees. He also served in the United States Air Force. Mr. Yescavage was especially fond of attending sporting events. He was an avid fan of the Boyertown Legion Baseball Bears and Philadelphia Phillies baseball teams, and the Philadelphia Eagles and Penn State football teams.

This scholarship is intended to recognize a deserving student in memory of Mr. Yescavage and his dedication to education and his service to his community and church. This fund will provide scholarships to students of the Boyertown Area School District who will be furthering their education after high school and intend to do so in the areas of elementary education, music education, or physical education. Further education may include a four-year or two-year college or university. The selected individuals will be students who exhibit a strong commitment to academics and a dedication to their school or community activities. They set a good example for their fellow students at all times and show good leadership potential. The recipients should be in the top 25 percentile of their high school graduating class. This scholarship is also based on financial need.

Gene D. Schoch Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was created through a trust established by Gene D. Schoch, who passed away in 2002.

The purpose of the fund is to support scholarships for students graduating from the Boyertown Area School District who have received no other scholarships and are in need of tuition for their higher education. The recipients must be furthering their education at a college, university or trade school after high school.