This scholarship was established at Berks County Community Foundation in 2005 by the Berks County Scholastic Athletic Trainer’s Association to recognize outstanding student trainers from Berks County high schools.
The fund will provide scholarships to support graduating seniors from high schools in Berks County who contract with or employ Athletic Trainers. The recipients must have participated in student training in at least one sport for a period of two years during high school and intend to pursue a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in Sports Medicine at an accredited college or university, with first preference to someone who wants to become a Certified Athletic Trainer.
This fund was established in 2005 by a retired Carpenter Technology employee, Dan Kubacki. Mr. Kubacki worked at Carpenter Technology for 41 years before retiring in 1981. He established the fund to benefit the children of employees of Carpenter Technology, a company that meant a lot to him throughout his life, and to provide a vehicle for other retired employees to add to this fund.
High school seniors who are children of non-officer Carpenter Technology current employees (Berks County site only) are eligible to apply as long as they have obtained a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale and will be full-time, undergraduate students at an institution of higher education after graduating from high school. The institution of higher education may be a 4-year or 2-year college, university, vocational, technical, computer or trade school.
Grandchildren of Carpenter Technology employees are not eligible to apply unless their parent is currently employed at Carpenter as a non-officer employee. Carpenter Technology employees are not eligible to apply or receive this award. Scholarship applicants shall exhibit a strong commitment to academic achievement and be actively involved in school and/or community activities, and have a financial need. The intent is to acknowledge and encourage those individuals who have demonstrated a level of personal responsibility necessary to attend and succeed in a continuing educational institution, and have demonstrated exemplary citizenship and personal character throughout high school.
One or more scholarships will be distributed annually to single mothers who are residents of Berks County and who are furthering their education. For the purposes of this fund, a single mother is defined as a woman who has sole guardianship for one or more natural children. One or more of her children must be 17 years of age or younger in order for the mother to receive awards from this fund.
This fund provides two annual awards. One award is given to the student who obtains the highest grade on the annual MathCounts test administered by the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers. The other award is given to the student who obtains the highest grade on the annual Reading-Berks Science and Engineering Fair Test.
No application is needed.
For a woman who spent so much of her life helping others achieve their goals, a scholarship program named in her memory is a fitting tribute. June Roedel (1929-1996) was a positive, sensitive and caring woman who generously volunteered her time and many talents to charitable organizations throughout the Berks County community. For more than ten years, she played an integral role at Community General Hospital, serving as vice chairman of the hospital trustees in 1987, and as chairman from 1989 to 1992. It was her vision and leadership that helped initiate this scholarship program.
This fund provides financial support to residents of Berks County who undertake or further their career in healthcare by providing scholarship funds for their educational expenses.
Residents of Berks County are eligible to apply as long as they will be attending an accredited educational institution in pursuit of a career in the field of healthcare, with a career goal of fulfilling a local community need involving patient care. Previous scholarship recipients may reapply.
Undergraduate or graduate college students not actually majoring in a healthcare field involving patient care but who solely have a desire for future attendance in a healthcare program (e.g. enrolled or enrolling in pre-med, biology, kinesiology, medical science, or genetics research, with the intent of someday entering the field of medicine to do patient care) are not eligible to receive awards from this fund. However, if such students have documented acceptance and/or are actually enrolled in a program in a healthcare curriculum involving patient care, they are then eligible for consideration of a scholarship and are encouraged to apply.
This award is not eligible to high school seniors. Eligible individuals must have successfully completed at least one semester or term at an institution of higher education.
The purpose of the fund is to support Berks County residents who are furthering their education at an undergraduate or graduate school. The first preference for distribution from the fund is primarily for living expenses, professional testing fees, books, childcare, transportation, uniforms and other emergency needs. Secondly, the fund will cover tuition or academic fees.
Preference will be given to applicants who were born and raised in Berks County, PA. Preference will also be given to students attending Berks County institutions, with a secondary preference expressed for students attending schools at Pennsylvania institutions located outside of Berks County. Priority will be given based on financial need. Special preference will be given to students studying Electrical Engineering.
This fund was established in 2013 by Marjorie Fegley in memory of her husband James E. Fegley, who passed away in 2003. Jim and Margie Fegley opened Fegley’s Violin Shop from their home in Reading in 1979. Fegley’s Violin Shop began providing services to the local stringed instrument community but soon the business expanded to provide quality work for students and professional players throughout the country.
Jim became interested in working with stringed instruments at an early age. Starting in 1962, he began apprenticing with various prominent luthiers in the United States. Jim had considered a professional music career while playing in area symphonies but his mechanical inclination and desire to work with his hands guided him to become a craftsman.
The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual scholarship to a male or female Berks County resident who is pursuing his or her education in the field of music, more specifically, orchestral strings. Applicants must be pursuing a Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Arts in Music, Bachelor of Science in Music, or a music certificate. The applicant must have been an active participant in his or her high school or college music program or a music program outside the school. In order to apply, the applicant must have a strong commitment to academics by having achieved a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale; or if already in college, a college cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Previous recipients of this scholarship can apply again in a subsequent year as long as they still meet the requirements; however, no preferential treatment will be given to previous recipients.
The fund is in memory of Howard Fox, who was a member of the Berks County Bar Association and an attorney in the Public Defenders Office at the time of his accidental death.
Berks County Community Foundation shall make distributions from the fund to support a scholarship which will be presented annually at Law Day ceremonies held by the Berks County Bar Association for a deserving graduate of a Berks County, Pennsylvania, high school who will be entering an accredited law school to pursue a law degree, or who is already attending an accredited law school to pursue a law degree, and who demonstrates financial need, without discrimination to color, race, national origin or religion. Preference will be given to students entering their second year of law school; however, all applicants meeting the criteria are encouraged to apply. No descendants of Leonard Quittner or M. Robert Ullman may be a scholarship recipient.
Previous recipients of a scholarship from this fund may reapply in a future year – as long as they will still be in law school – and will be considered along with the other applicants. Previous recipients will not receive preferential treatment.
For an article on a recipient of this scholarship, click here for a PDF.
This scholarship is for Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences RN graduates and/or members of the Alumni Association of Reading Hospital School of Health Sciences who are pursuing an advanced degree in nursing. Applicants must be enrolled in an NLN (National League for Nursing) and/or CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education) approved program and must be in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, or Doctoral degree in nursing.
Applicants must be enrolled in an NLN (National League for Nursing) and/or CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education) approved program and must be in pursuit of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, or Doctoral degree in nursing. The applicant must be continuing in school for the next year in order for the scholarship to be awarded.
Recipients can receive up to three awards from this fund. The three awards must be for different degrees — either a BS degree, an MS degree, or a Doctoral degree in nursing. Awards may be used for tuition or to purchase books, uniforms, travel expenses, or testing fees.
Selection will be based on: Financial need and responsibilities; Professional nursing career goals; Involvement in professional organizations; Demonstration of leadership qualities; Individual written responses to the professional-related questions on the application.
The scholarship recipients will be recognized at the Alumni Association annual dinner usually held in June. The scholarship recipient(s) are encouraged to be present at this event to accept the award. Recipients may be invited, in the future, to participate as a member of an Alumni Association Standing Committee or Board of Directors.
The Fund for the Advancement of Access to Justice provides financial assistance to Berks County residents seeking to become certified as legal interpreters in Berks County. Scholarships from the fund help students pay fees associated with sitting for interpreter orientation and exams as described on the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania website:
Scholarships are limited to Berks County residents who intend to become legal interpreters in Berks County. The maximum amount of assistance from this fund to any one person is $450. We cannot reimburse you for portions of the exam you already took prior to applying for assistance.
Funding available:
To be considered for this scholarship, submit this application. If approved, you will only be approved to receive assistance for one exam at a time. Once you pass that exam, you can request assistance for the next exam by sending an email to, along with proof that you passed the previous exam.