Reading, PA – October 9, 2024 – Berks County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the conclusion of its 3rd quarter grant cycle, which has successfully distributed vital funding to local nonprofits and initiatives dedicated to improving our community. 

In this quarter, the foundation awarded grants to a diverse range of projects focusing in areas of environment and energy, education, health and human services, arts and culture, and neighborhoods and economic development; supporting the impactful work of local organizations that improve the lives of Berks County residents.  

These numbers are a testament to the Foundation’s commitment to its mission to promote philanthropy and improve the quality of life for the residents of Berks County. 

“Grants awarded are made possible by generous donors who give back to the community they love,” stated Molly McCullough Robbins, Vice President for Philanthropic Services. 

Moving forward, community members are invited to join the Community Foundation in sparking change. Here are two ways to get involved: 

  1. Give to an Existing Fund: Your contributions can help sustain the important work of established funds addressing specific needs within Berks County. 
  1. Create Your Own Fund: Whether you want to honor a loved one or support a particular cause or organization, the Foundation can help you to create a fund that reflects your passions and philanthropic goals. 

For more information on how to give or create a fund, please visit, email Molly McCullough Robbins at, or call (610) 685-2223. 

About Berks County Community Foundation 

Berks County Community Foundation is a nonprofit corporation serving as a civic leader for our region by developing, managing, and distributing charitable funds to improve the quality of life in Berks County, PA. More information is available at


“I decided that my career was built by the people of Berks County.  My memories were so fond of Reading High in the 1960s that I wanted to help someone else from Reading High.” – July 16, 2024 

The Chris A. Luppold Accounting Scholarship Fund of Berks County Community Foundation was established in 2000. Since inception, 21 students from Reading High School have received this scholarship.  

Luppold Family 

The Luppold family’s roots here in the United States began in 1862 when a group came over from Germany and made their way through Ellis Island right as the Civil War was happening. The Luppolds stayed in the Reading, Bern Township, and Bethel areas from that point on. 

Chris Luppold was born in 1950 at Reading Hospital. His grandfather started Luppold Heating under a company called France and Luppold in 1911. His father, Carl F. Luppold, was born and raised here and graduated from Reading High School in 1942.  After one year in college, he signed up for the war as part of the Army Air Forces.   

Luppold’s parents met in a chance encounter in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Chris’s mom, Charlene, and her two friends were driving her father’s car and picked up two hitchhikers – Chris’s dad and his Air Force buddy, who were trying to get to Alabama for pilot training.   

Chris’s dad came from a small family; he had one sister, and she didn’t have children of her own. Chris’s dad took over his father’s company, Charles F. Luppold Sheet Metal Contractors, one of as many as five companies owned by the family over time, including Luppold Heating. Chris has a sister, Sandra, two years his junior, who lives in Arizona. 

Chris’s Early Years 

Chris started in the family business at age 12, working for his grandfather. As he was growing up, he recalls his dad’s advice: “He said, ‘Chris, become a doctor, lawyer, or CPA.’  I had no idea what a CPA was. My uncle was a doctor in St. Louis. So, I knew what a doctor was. I knew what a lawyer was. I didn’t have any accounting classes in high school.” 

College Years 

After graduating from Reading High in 1968, Chris’s dad suggested that he stay close to home to go to college. “I started at Albright College in August of 1968 and went to school full-time, studying pre-med. That lasted two years. I had a low GPA. I failed history and was struggling with everything, even though I was studying all the time.” 

Against everyone’s advice, Chris dropped out after two years at Albright and got a job at Arrow in their products division. While an expeditor, he learned from some great mentors there, including Dan Herr. A plaque hung over Dan’s office that read “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance”. Chris recalls, “I’ll never forget it.  I realized then that I needed a college degree to get anywhere. I didn’t know what degree, but I knew it had to be business.” 

Since dropping out of Albright, he decided to go to college and wanted to get out of Pennsylvania. “I found a little school called Richard Bland College which was part of the College of William and Mary. It’s a two-year college in South Petersburg, Virginia.” He was accepted and went there. 

Chris had some catching up to do. He had a lot of science credits from his pre-med days at Albright, but he needed business courses to complete his degree. He took Accounting 101 and 102 along with Economics and English – all requirements for a business administration degree. After a year at Richard Bland, he could matriculate to his choice of three schools: William and Mary, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), or the University of Richmond. “I was doing very well in accounting, even though I’d never had an accounting class in my life. My Principles of Accounting teacher took me aside around the time of finals and said, ‘Do me a favor, change to an accounting degree. You’ll be surprised at what you’re able to do.’ She saw something in me.” 

Chris decided to attend VCU and changed his major two weeks before classes began. His wife got a new job in Richmond, and they moved on to this new chapter.  Chris excelled in his accounting courses, taking every elective offered. He finished in a year and a half. During that time, he helped start an Accounting Club and tutored underclassmen in accounting. “Every year, the Virginia Society of CPAs and the faculty of VCU selected a #1 student in that class, and I was the #1 student in the class of 1974. I was surprised when I got that letter. That’s why I got into accounting – I loved it.” 

Chris got job offers from some of the “Big 8”, the eight largest international accounting and consulting firms at the time, but he and his young wife decided to move back to the Reading area where he was hired by John A. Beard and Company. After working there for a year and a half, he got the itch to get his master’s degree. He used some of the small trust that his grandfather had left him to attend Lehigh University full-time.  

Juggling Work and School 

Chris promised his dad that he would give him three years of his life to work for him. “I worked part-time in the summers for my dad while at Lehigh. I’d go up to Lehigh for three days, and then come home to work for my dad.” Chris finished his MBA and contacted his neighbor, a gym teacher at Albright, to see if they were hiring part-time. Chris had tutored freshmen accounting students during his time at VCU and was inspired to teach. He found it a great experience and eventually took a part-time evening teaching position in 1976. In 1978, he decided to leave contracting and take a full-time teaching position at Albright College until 1980.  

At the end of 1980, Chris decided to open his own tax practice. I solicited everyone I could – Chamber meetings, lawyers’ offices, Rotary, and lots of networking. I became friends with an attorney who gave me a lot of work. I bought a tax practice in 1981, mostly individuals and partnerships. I left Albright in 1980 and took a job at Alvernia from 1981-85 to teach advanced accounting one night a week – I still had an inkling to teach.” Chris had a strong sense of entrepreneurship. “That’s how my career got started – from scratch.”  

Chris merged his accounting practice with Herbert Gehrke in 1982. They had a small practice on Park Road in Wyomissing called Gehrke Luppold and Company, with four employees. In 1992, Luppold and Gehrke went their separate ways, and Chris approached Kurtz McNaney & Company to join their practice. “The greatest years of my life were from 1992 to 2001. Kurtz McNaney had a great family practice with 22 people, including 5 partners, and I was one of them. Jim Kurtz ran the business and was always honest, open, and trustworthy.” 

Chris is proud of the relationships he developed over his career and credits his diligence in maintaining those relationships to his success. “You build bonds, you build friendships, and you don’t burn bridges. You listen to your clients, and you get back to them within 24 hours.”   

Community Service and Giving Back 
Giving back has always been important to Chris. He has been a Rotarian since 1976 and is a past president and treasurer of the Northeast Reading Club, which closed in 2008. He joined the Spring Township Centennial Rotary Club, where he has also served as president, treasurer, and foundation chair. He is the treasurer of the Yocum Arts Institute for Arts Education and the endowment fund chair at his church.   

In late 1990, Chris helped his father set up a scholarship fund at Muhlenberg College, his father’s alma mater. 

After the family businesses were sold between 1998 and 2001, Chris approached Franki Aitken at Berks County Community Foundation to discuss establishing his own scholarship fund. “I decided that my career was built by the people of Berks County.  I grew up in Reading, and my memories are so fond of Reading High School in the 1960s that I want to help someone else from Reading High.” 

According to Chris, the fund started small, allowing for a scholarship award of $400 per year for four years. Eventually, he’d like to see it grow into bigger awards. “I’d like to get it to $500 per year, or even $500 per semester.” He recognizes that his fund isn’t the biggest, but it will help students going to college for an accounting degree or a business administration degree with an accounting concentration. He lives by Rotary’s mission, service above self. “I believe in giving something back to the community.” 

A Fresh Start 

In 1994, Chris met his best friend, Phyllis, who would later become his wife. He and Phyllis spent many years vacationing in Arizona, where they owned a home until 2023.  Chris works part-time for William Koch & Associates and can travel more now that his career has slowed down. They have explored Avalon and the Outer Banks and have enjoyed many Viking cruises. 

Scholarship Impact 

Chris is touched when he hears from his scholarship recipients. “I enjoy giving back.  For me, I feel rewarded and appreciated. And those thank you notes from students – to know there have been 21 recipients – I don’t know these people, I don’t need to be their friend – but with the cost of college, if this can help with a computer or books or something else, I’m happy to help.” 

Did you know that August is Make-a-Will month in the United States? While preparing a will might be a task that most dread, it is important for those left behind. A will is a document usually prepared by your attorney to ensure your final wishes are established. Preparing a will can provide peace of mind for you and for your family.  

Berks County Community Foundation can help to ensure that your charitable goals are met after you’re gone. Working with the Community Foundation offers a unique and powerful way for individuals to make a lasting impact in their community by creating a charitable fund through their will. 

For three decades, staff members of the Community Foundation have had the honor of meeting with individuals and families as they prepare their wills. Participating in these discussions includes learning about each person or family and the causes most important to them.    

An easy and meaningful way to support those causes and organizations that align with your values and passions is by establishing a fund with the foundation. This can be done by including a provision in the will that directs a specific asset or portion of your estate to the Community Foundation, which will be used to establish a named fund in your memory or in honor of a loved one. 

The process of creating a fund through a will is simple. You can work with your attorney to include language in your will that directs assets to the Community Foundation. You can also consult with our staff to determine the most appropriate type of fund for your charitable interests and goals. Once the will is executed, we will work with your executor or personal representative to establish the fund according to the instructions provided in the will. 

Creating a fund at the Community Foundation through your will not only provides a way for you to make a lasting impact in your community, but also offers a range of giving options. Funds may be established to respond to the most pressing needs in the community, to support a general field of interest, or to benefit a specific organization or multiple organizations.  

Knowing that you have a plan in place can provide significant peace of mind. Creating a fund ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It can also be a way for you to make a difference in the lives of others, even after you are gone.  

In honor of Make-a-Will month, feel free to contact us with any questions about your estate plans by emailing   

Over our 30-year history, we have had the opportunity to meet with hundreds of people who wanted to make a difference in their community – to give back in support of a cause about which they cared deeply or in honor or memory of someone they loved or admired. Thousands of grants representing millions of dollars have been distributed in Berks County thanks to the foresight of those donors who trusted Berks County Community Foundation with their charitable gifts. 

Every year or two, we update the Funds for Grants and Scholarships brochure, which lists the funds currently available for grantmaking and scholarship awards. Feel free to browse the brochure to learn more about how donors have supported individuals and organizations in our community – everything including animals, arts & culture, education, environment & energy, health & human services, neighborhoods & economic development, public safety, scholarships, and youth sports.  You may find an opportunity for funding or inspiration for establishing your own fund.   

Change starts with a spark.  Your spark.  We’re here to help – please reach out with any questions or ideas.   

Have you ever considered giving to Berks County Community Foundation? If you have thought about giving to the Community Foundation, you may not even know where to begin. With nearly 400 funds managed by the Community Foundation, there are many options for you to decide how to give. We can help guide you in determining how and where to make an impact.   

Maybe you think that giving to the Community Foundation is only for donors with deep pockets who can establish a fund. Perhaps you don’t know anyone else who has ever given to the Community Foundation. What you might not know is that many people – from Berks County to international donors – have decided to donate to Berks County Community Foundation over our 30-year history, from just a few dollars to multimillion-dollar gifts.  

Many of our donors contribute to funds created by others in the community to support nonprofit organizations or fields of interest. Others contribute to funds established in honor or memory of someone important to them. Donations are also made to support crises or other pressing needs in the community.  Even the smallest donation can spark change for a cause that can create a lasting impact in the community. In 2023, over 1,400 people gave charitable gifts to 120 funds. 

If you aren’t sure where to begin, our Fund Directory is a great place to start. You can search through the alphabetical list of funds that donors have established, or you can enter a word or two in the search box to help narrow down your options. You can also narrow down the list by searching by region, field of interest, or type of fund.   

If you are interested in setting up your own fund to support an organization or area of interest that means a lot to you, try our Create Your Own Fund Quiz. This is a short questionnaire to help determine the best method of giving for you.  

Whether you want to donate to an existing fund to support a cause you care about or start a fund of your own, we’re here to help turn your spark of generosity into action.  Please email or call 610-685-2223 to start the conversation.  We are here to help. 

For nearly 30 years, Berks County Community Foundation has helped individuals, families, organizations, and businesses achieve their charitable objectives. We know that change radiates outward, and we help people create a brighter future and a legacy of real transformation for all of us. This often includes creating a fund to honor the memory of a loved one or support a cause about which the individual or family cares deeply. In either case, a member of our staff works with the people involved to determine the best way to meet their charitable objectives.

How does it work?  First, think about what you are passionate about supporting.  We can help you achieve your charitable goals, no matter the cause or motivation. Let us help you discover the type of charitable fund that best matches your goals.

Different funds fulfill different dreams.

Which of these types of funds works best for your dream? 

Ready to put your charitable vision into action?  We are here to help. Click here to use our short questionnaire to set your journey of generosity in motion. Questions? Email We look forward to helping you fulfill your charitable goals.