Imagine the daily challenges faced by a mother trying to provide the best for her child with disabilities. Accessibility issues can turn simple tasks into daunting obstacles. For one local mother, the dream of a reliable vehicle and a lift hoyer* seemed out of reach, but thanks to the Arthur O. and Clara M. Schlegel Memorial Fund of Berks County Community Foundation, this dream has become a reality.  

The purpose of the fund is to help to defray the costs of treating and correcting physical differences in children residing in Berks County who are either without parents or whose parents are unable financially to meet such expenses. Clara M. Schlegel originally established a trust fund in 1984 which required using an Advisory Board to award grants. The structure of the fund made it difficult to administer; at that time, prior to the creation of Berks County Community Foundation in 1994, there was no well-known charitable organization model in Berks County with an affiliated group to identify community needs.   

By August of 2000, an advisory board was created, including Kevin Murphy, president of Berks County Community Foundation, as a member. Kevin’s involvement on the advisory board included transferring the fund over to the foundation to start facilitating the distribution of grants. Since the time the Foundation has been managing the fund, the Arthur O. and Clara Schlegel Memorial Fund has distributed over 1.1 million dollars in grants in Berks County, overseen by the advisory group and Community Foundation staff members, myself included.   

Recently, a mother submitted an application to request an electric lift hoyer and assistance with purchasing a reliable vehicle. Jayvien, a 13-year-old male diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and Lowe syndrome, travels to Philadelphia every 3-6 months to see a specialist.  Due to recent car problems, appointments were missed and/or rescheduled. Jayvien also requires total assistance with transportation transfers and daily life activities. Jayvien’s mother and his grandmother have been helping, but using a manual lift is unsafe.   

After reviewing the request, I knew that this application should be presented to the advisory board for consideration. The Community Foundation has a solemn obligation to honor the donor’s intentions set forth when establishing their fund. I knew this fund could make an impact on this family.  

The committee approved the grant with the instructions to find a car through a dealership rather than a private owner and send the funds directly to the dealership towards the purchase of a reliable car, so that Jayvien can safely and reliably make his appointments in Philadelphia. The committee also approved the grant request for the electric lift hoyer.   

I met with Jayvien’s mother at the dealership, and she was grateful for the funding that was available to help her family. She said, “I truly appreciate all that you guys do. It has left a huge imprint in my heart, not so much the material things, but the root core of what the foundation stands for. The fact that this will help Jayvien as well as my family means the world to me, and I hope to be able to give back to the foundation to forward the help to families like mine. My family and I are forever grateful. Thank you so much!”   

The recent funding provided to the mother in need for her son with disabilities is a powerful testament to the ongoing impact of the Arthur O. and Clara M. Schlegel Memorial Fund. It’s a story of compassion and sparking change in the community.   

You can spark change in the community by creating a fund. Learn how you can do this by clicking here. To give to the Arthur O. and Clara M. Schlegel Memorial Fund, click here.   

  * A hoyer lift is a patient lift used by caregivers to safely transfer patients. It can be used for lifting patients from the floor or onto a healthcare bed. The lift also can assist in other surface-to-surface patient transfers, such as moving from a bed to a bath or chair.  

The “Attend, Achieve, and Be a Champ” program, funded by the Berks Initiative for School Attendance (BISA) Improvement Fund of Berks County Community Foundation, is focusing on student tardiness and attendance at Northeast Middle School. 

Launched in early 2024, this program helps students who may have issues with punctuality. Natalie Smith, the program coordinator, states, “Students were chosen for the Attend, Achieve, and Be a Champ program based on their overall tardy rates. They were invited to the program when they were tardy at least twice per week and prioritized by their arrival time.” 

On Wednesdays, students gather to learn about attendance laws, school policies, and practical tips for arriving on time. The program’s approach is multifaceted, focusing on education, personalized planning, and incentives. A key component of the program is the Attendance Improvement Plan. Natalie notes that this plan allowed each student to consider their own barriers to getting to school on time and improve their attendance. The students were expected to share the plan with their parents/guardians and return the plan to the school social workers. 

The results have been encouraging. Natalie explains, “A total of seventy-seven students were invited to the program. Fifty-eight of those students invited attended the program, with an attendance rate of 75%. With the fifty-eight students attending the Tardy Program, there was a 31% improvement rate.” 

Incentives played a crucial role in motivating students. The BISA Improvement Fund allowed the school to purchase various rewards, including bracelet-making kits, door basketball hoops, gift cards, and fidget toys. They even addressed specific barriers, stating, “We also purchased alarm clocks to be given to students who specifically stated that not having an alarm was a barrier to getting to school in time.” 

The program didn’t stop at student engagement. Parents and guardians were brought into the loop, often learning about their child’s tardiness for the first time. As Natalie mentions, “Prior to each weekly program, we would contact the parents/guardians to gain their approval for students to participate in the program. This was also our opportunity to engage each family to inform them of the number of days students were tardy and any barriers that need to be addressed.” 

The “Attend, Achieve, and Be a Champ” program is possible thanks to the BISA Attendance Improvement Fund of Berks County Community Foundation. This fund is dedicated to supporting initiatives at Berks County’s public schools that improve attendance. 

Looking ahead to the 2024-25 school year, the team at Northeast Middle School is eager to build on their success. They plan to identify at-risk students earlier and provide more intensive support where needed. Natalie states, “Our goal for the school year will be to identify students with consistent tardies in the first thirty to sixty days (about two months) of school. We will enroll them in the afternoon program, and if attendance is not improved within ten school days, we will engage the students through case management, provided by the school social workers, and offer incentives.” 

By tackling tardiness head-on, Northeast Middle School is setting its students up for success. If you have a program that can set up students for success, please apply for the BISA Attendance Improvement Fund. Click here to learn more about the fund and how you can apply.

Providing opportunities for nonprofit organizations to thrive is a big part of what we do at Berks County Community Foundation. One great example is the Nonprofit Management Certificate Program that the Foundation hosts in partnership with The Nonprofit Center at LaSalle University. This fall, join the Community Foundation and instructors from The Nonprofit Center at LaSalle University for a ten-month professional development opportunity designed exclusively for Berks County’s nonprofit executive directors and high-potential staff members who are serving in full-time, paid positions. 

The program includes: 

This will be the third cohort of nonprofit executives to experience this program, which runs every other year. 

Molly McCullough Robbins, Berks County Community Foundation’s Vice President for Philanthropic Services, was a member of the 2020 cohort while serving as Executive Director of Wyomissing Area Education Foundation. “Participating in this cohort was incredibly beneficial for me as a nonprofit leader. Not only did I learn valuable skills and best practices for the field, but I made connections with other nonprofit professionals in our community that I value to this day,” Molly said.   

Applicants must be employed by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Berks County, Pennsylvania. The cohort is limited to 20 participants.  

To receive the certificate at the end of the program, attendance of all nine classes is required.  

Applications are open now, and the deadline to apply is July 22, 2024. Decisions will be made by August 9, 2024. The cost of the program is $500; scholarships or grants toward the cost are not available. Payments are due by August 30, 2024. Please click here for the full schedule

*Note that Berks County Community Foundation is not an accredited educational institution, but rather a nonprofit that seeks to bring professional development opportunities to the community for local leaders. 

Here is a summary of the curriculum for this professional development opportunity: Unless otherwise noted, these sessions will be in-person and 6 hours in length (9am-4pm). 

Building the Board Your Organization Needs (bring a board member session) 

If a board can make or break a nonprofit, what makes or breaks a nonprofit board? There are countless tales of triumph and terror on the topic of nonprofit boards and board members. With surprisingly few legal guidelines to follow, boards can look, feel, and function very differently from one another, even when they have the same assumed purpose. This class aims to explore what your nonprofit board’s role must be, what your board’s goals could be, and what it means for board members to be effective, both collectively and individually. Whether you are a long serving, aspiring, new, or simply curious board member, this course will give you a contextual view of nonprofit boards, governance, and a fresh look through an equity lens at the balance of power between boards, executive leadership, and the people and communities they impact. 

Communication to Build Relationships, Engagement & Understanding 

Communication is one of the most essential skills for individuals at every level of an  

organization, from entry-level through senior management. As we learn to communicate more effectively, we create and maintain a more open and productive work environment. Effective communication can help enhance engagement, foster understanding, and build constructive relationships with co-workers, donors, volunteers, board members, and  

supervisors/supervisees. This class will expand your understanding of communication and teach you how to put this knowledge into practice. You’ll learn about different communication styles and how you can communicate and work more effectively with others, including those who have different approaches to communication, are from a different generation, or are resistant to change/new ideas. We’ll also provide a framework for how to engage in difficult conversations to address challenges and pursue opportunities to improve your outcomes. 

Effective Strategic Planning for Today’s Nonprofits (bring a board member session) 

How does a nonprofit plan effectively during changing and uncertain times? In this class, you will learn modern approaches to strategic planning that will strengthen your nonprofit’s ability to pursue its mission in rapidly changing conditions. We’ll explore techniques for assessing your environment, gaining clarity on changing community needs, and developing strategies that can be adapted to meet new opportunities or challenges over time. This class will show you how to build a plan that will drive strategic thinking across your organization, helping your plan to stand up to unexpected changes both inside and outside your organization. 

Fundamentals of Human Resources 

Too few nonprofits have a dedicated human resource professional on staff. Yet, the minute you have a staff member, or are even thinking of hiring your first staff member, it is imperative that someone in the organization understands the essential human resource responsibilities, regulations, and laws. Because workplace laws guide and control much of what we must do with employees, this class covers the major workplace laws and the legal principles that govern the employment relationship. It will explore the importance of good policies and procedures in creating an effective working environment and introduce some of the most common and challenging HR responsibilities: the performance management cycle; development and management of compensation strategies; and effective guidelines for hiring the right people. 

Understanding and Growing Leadership Capacity (online session, 9am-3pm) 

Effective leadership doesn’t happen by chance or accident; it comes from thoughtfulness, intention, effort, and more. It is a journey, not a destination. Nor is it manifested in one form or in one personal style – it’s present in many. Leadership starts with the personal. Everyone loves to talk about their own or someone else’s “leadership style,” but the reality is if you have just one way to demonstrate leadership you will never be an effective leader. Effective leaders have a toolbox filled with styles and strategies for success. This class will take you through a series of reflective exercises to help you understand what leadership is—and what it is not—and where you see yourself as a leader—or not. Leadership is also a culture, and an abundant resource! This class will provide a tour of different approaches to leadership to help you identify the tools your organization needs to empower  

leadership, at every level. 

Basic Budgeting and Beyond (session is 3 hours, 9am-12pm) 

Do you struggle to prepare your annual budget, lack 100% confidence in it when submitting it to the board, consistently approve it after the fiscal year begins and regularly have actual-to-budget results that you didn’t anticipate? Then this class is for you and your team. Budgeting is a complex, dynamic process that takes a team to effectively prepare, present and perform to. In this class you will learn the seven things you should do to create an annual budget and how to successfully fulfill its promise. From planning a process to presenting your budget, you’ll have it covered after attending Basic Budgeting and Beyond. 

Financial Forecasting: Informed By the Past; Built for the Future (session is 3 hours, 1pm-4pm) 

A strong financial management process is essential to a nonprofit’s well-being. In times of  

concern and uncertainty about the economy and the prospects for funding, the ability to perform accurate and timely financial forecasting becomes indispensable. Day to day challenges, such as gift restrictions, adherence to mission, fixed and variable expenses, call for the skill to accurately forecast cash flow, while being adaptable to changing conditions. The result is a stronger and more resilient organization. This class will explore the basic inputs required to develop and evaluate financial projections for your organization. Understanding how and when resources are available to your organization will not only enable you to guide policy and programmatic decisions but also assist you in strategically planning your organization’s growth and sustainability. 

For more information, please contact Kim Sheffer, Lifelong Learning Program Officer:

READING, PA (August 2, 2023) – Berks County Community Foundation recently awarded more than $80,000 in grants to thirteen organizations from the First United Church of Christ Mission Fund and the St. John’s UCC Reading Fund.

The organizations receiving grants and the amounts received are as follows:

$1,100 to the Reading Musical Foundation for its Summer Music Camp Scholarship Program. This program awards scholarships to Berks County students so that they may attend a summer music camp of their choosing. This funding will support the cost of camp scholarships for two Reading School District students.

$3,000 was granted to Bethany Children’s Home to support summer programming. During the summer months, Bethany Children’s Home provides fun, first-time experiences for its residents like going to the beach, an amusement park, or an art museum. Funding will support travel expenses, meals, souvenirs, and potential admission costs.

$3,500 to Reading Youth Legion Baseball. Reading Youth Legion Baseball will provide children from the City of Reading with the opportunity to play competitive baseball while keeping costs affordable.  Funding will support umpire fees, registration and insurance costs, uniforms, and equipment.

$4,623 to The S.P.A.R.K.S. Foundation for its Classroom Visitation Program. This program brings STEM lessons to elementary school students who are otherwise not able to participate in extra-curricular activities due to financial barriers. The hour-long program of lessons coupled with experiments covers topics that address educational standards in science for the grade level. Funding will support the costs of materials used for the STEM lessons and overhead costs such as rent, office supplies, and utilities.

$4,790 to Berks Youth Chorus to teach young people to perform confidently in a choral setting and to help students improve their overall musicianship. This grant will support the costs of operation that would normally be paid through a raised tuition. Keeping tuition costs low allows students to participate, regardless of their family’s income level.

$5,500 to The LGBT Center of Greater Reading for its Discovery Day Camp. Discovery Day Camp is geared towards helping youth ages 14 to 18 explore their identities in a safe and healthy environment. Through this camp, participants will learn, connect, and express themselves with like-minded individuals. Funding will support activity supplies, breakfast, lunch, insurance, and training for facilitators.

$6,500 to GoggleWorks Center for the Arts for its ongoing “GoggleWorks Gardens at Lauer’s Park” project. This project has four local gardens, which serve as local green spaces and outdoor classroom spaces for students. This program will provide two recurring weekly classes in the garden classrooms, as well as four after-school art programs. GoggleWorks Gardens at Lauer’s Park is a collaborative program of Lauer’s Park Elementary, Longwood Gardens, Rodale Institute, The Food Trust, and local farms. The funding will support program staff salaries.

$6,510 to Opportunity House for kitchen equipment upgrades. This grant will support the cost of upgrading the kitchen, which will allow the shelter to produce meals more efficiently and offer a greater selection of meal options. Funding will support the cost of a planetary floor mixer, a combination food processor, an immersion blender, and a meat slicer, as well as the cost of shipping for these appliances.

$6,750 to Immanuel United Church of Christ for its Preschool summer camp. This project provides summer day camp programs for children ages three to five. The goal of the day camp is to help students retain their school year momentum during the summer and to help younger students start their preschool education in a Christian setting. This grant will support the teacher’s salaries and supplies for snacks and crafts.

$8,000 to Hope of the Nations (HOTN) Hope Center for its Summer Arts Camp. The weeklong summer arts camp will feature dance classes and hands-on crafts. HOTN will partner with Feet on the Streets Ministries to serve elementary and middle-school-aged children. Funding will support camp administration, food for students, craft supplies, dance instruction, and more.

$8,250 to Café Esperanza for a project called “The Breakfast Club.” This project works to combat hunger in the summer months by providing free, nourishing breakfast to kids that would typically get free breakfast at school. Café Esperanza plans to provide additional summer enrichment activities for students, such as gardening, an art camp, a support group, and an anti-bullying program. Funding will support the costs of food, plants, garden expenses, art supplies, and salaries for supporting staff.

$10,000 to New Journey Community Outreach Inc. for its ongoing Fighting Poverty, Feeding Hope project. The goals of this project are restoring hope, dignity, and comfort in the community, while providing individuals in need with clothing and food through various outlets, including a daily soup kitchen, weekly grocery distribution, and an emergency food distribution and clothing center. Through this program, New Journey Community Outreach Inc. plans to serve 50,000 lunches and provides food pantry groceries for 9,200 families and emergency food for 480 families. Funding will support program staff wages, professional fees, and utility costs.

$10,000 to The Salvation Army for its Rental Assistance Program. The Salvation Army – Reading helps support local individuals and families who are struggling to pay rent, with an emphasis on supporting older clients who live on a fixed income. This allows these individuals to stay in their homes, reducing homelessness and eviction in the community. Funding will pay landlords to support families in need of rental assistance.

Both the First United Church of Christ Mission Fund and the St. Johns UCC Reading Fund were created with the goal of supporting causes that were important to the churches, with an emphasis on addressing pressing needs for youth. To learn more about the St. Johns UCC Reading Fund, visit To learn more about the First United Church of Christ Mission Fund, visit


Berks County Community Foundation is a nonprofit corporation serving as a civic leader for our region by developing, managing, and distributing charitable funds to improve the quality of life in Berks County, PA. More information is available at

READING, PA (July 6, 2023) – Berks County Community Foundation recently notified the recipients of the 2023 grants from the Albany Township Tomorrow Fund.  

The Albany Township Tomorrow Fund provides grants for community-minded organizations and initiatives that benefit the residents of Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, with a preference given to programs related to youth education and advancement.  

The following grants were awarded: 

The Albany Township Tomorrow Fund accepts applications annually from February 1 – March 15. 

This fund was created in 2019 with the to improve the quality of life for Albany Township residents. To learn more , visit here.

Media Contact: Erica Caceres, Communication Manager, Phone: 610-685-2231, Email address:


Berks County Community Foundation is a nonprofit corporation serving as a civic leader for our region by developing, managing, and distributing charitable funds to improve the quality of life in Berks County, PA. More information is available at