News & Events

There are Many Ways to Give 

May 28, 2024

Have you ever considered giving to Berks County Community Foundation? If you have thought about giving to the Community Foundation, you may not even know where to begin. With nearly 400 funds managed by the Community Foundation, there are many options for you to decide how to give. We can help guide you in determining how and where to make an impact.   

Maybe you think that giving to the Community Foundation is only for donors with deep pockets who can establish a fund. Perhaps you don’t know anyone else who has ever given to the Community Foundation. What you might not know is that many people – from Berks County to international donors – have decided to donate to Berks County Community Foundation over our 30-year history, from just a few dollars to multimillion-dollar gifts.  

Many of our donors contribute to funds created by others in the community to support nonprofit organizations or fields of interest. Others contribute to funds established in honor or memory of someone important to them. Donations are also made to support crises or other pressing needs in the community.  Even the smallest donation can spark change for a cause that can create a lasting impact in the community. In 2023, over 1,400 people gave charitable gifts to 120 funds. 

If you aren’t sure where to begin, our Fund Directory is a great place to start. You can search through the alphabetical list of funds that donors have established, or you can enter a word or two in the search box to help narrow down your options. You can also narrow down the list by searching by region, field of interest, or type of fund.   

If you are interested in setting up your own fund to support an organization or area of interest that means a lot to you, try our Create Your Own Fund Quiz. This is a short questionnaire to help determine the best method of giving for you.  

Whether you want to donate to an existing fund to support a cause you care about or start a fund of your own, we’re here to help turn your spark of generosity into action.  Please email or call 610-685-2223 to start the conversation.  We are here to help. 

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