READING, PA (December 14, 2021) – Albright College will build 16 electric vehicle charging stations on campus.
The project is being done in collaboration with Evolution Energy Partners (EEP). The project will utilize two Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Alternative Fuel Incentive grants, as well as a grant from Berks County Community Foundation’s Met-Ed / Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund.
This is happening as Albright begins moving its vehicle fleet from gas to electric, beginning with five public safety and admission vehicles.
Each charging station will be able to accommodate two vehicles at a time. They will be the first publicly-available charging stations in the city of Reading.
Ten public charging stations will be available in the college’s visitor parking lot and Shirk Stadium parking lot, both located along North 13th Street. North 13th is a principal road in Reading’s northeast quadrant. It is easily accessed from several major highways: Route 12, Route 422, and Interstate 176. Another six stations will be spread throughout campus.
A total of $95,000 – which includes $85,000 from DEP and $10,000 from Berks County Community Foundation‘s Sustainable Energy Fund – will offset an overall cost of $170,000 for the new charging stations.
Another $27,305 from DEP will offset the incremental costs of replacing the first five college-leased, gasoline-powered vehicles with electric vehicles. EEP was also able to obtain more than $45,000 in incentives to support the EV charging project.
Albright will explore moving all of its 29-vehicle fleet to electric vehicles as existing lease agreements expire.
With a goal of increasing sustainability by promoting the use of electric vehicles and renewable energy, Albright’s charging stations will be available to the college community as well as the general public.
“The inclusion of energy-efficient equipment and practices is consistent with Albright College’s overall commitment to environmental awareness and responsibility,” said Kera Wierzbicki, Albright’s environmental health and safety officer and chair of the college’s Committee for Sustainability and Stewardship.
An initiative of Albright President Jacquelyn S. Fetrow, Ph.D. ’82, the Sustainability Committee initiates and supports environmental policies, actions, and programs at Albright, ensuring that environmental concerns, including energy conservation, are considered in all aspects of the college’s decision-making.
The college’s electric fleet and charging station project is the second phase of a strategic partnership with EEP, beginning as the first phase’s campus-wide lighting upgrade wraps up.
While reducing energy costs, the conversion to LED lighting is improving lighting levels across campus and reducing the college’s carbon footprint by more than 3.4 million pounds of CO2 annually.
“Albright is a true leader in sustainability,” said Chuck Hurchalla, president of EEP. “We are proud to partner with Albright and continue to define new and innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint.”
The Metropolitan Edison Company Sustainable Energy Fund of Berks County Community Foundation and the Pennsylvania Electric Company Sustainable Energy Fund of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies distribute money in the form of grants and investments for a variety of projects within the territories originally served by the two electric companies. The two funds share an advisory committee and are known in the singular as the Met-Ed / Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund.
For immediate release
Jason Brudereck, Director of Communication, Berks County Community Foundation