Imagine a place where young girls with disabilities come together, not just to talk but to build confidence, friendships, and life skills. That’s exactly what Girl Talk 101 has been doing since its founding in 2022 at the John Paul II Center for Special Learning. Designed for girls ages 10-21, this program offers more than just conversation—it offers a community. Here, they learn to stand up for themselves, practice safety, and support one another, using skills that will last a lifetime.

Melissah Jablonski, the program’s leader explains, “What makes this group unique is the deep sense of connection the girls share. Watching the girls care for each other is a gift and that care is transforming not just their lives, but the lives of their families and friends.”

One highlight of the program this year was a horse therapy trip that made a big difference for Jailys, a new member. Jailys was nervous about joining the group. However, the other girls welcomed her, and she quickly felt accepted. This moment showed how Girl Talk 101 helps every girl feel valued, no matter their abilities. The program gives girls a sense of belonging that they might not find elsewhere.

John Paul II Center for Special Learning is a school that has been helping children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1982. The center’s mission is to support students as they grow and succeed in different areas of their lives. Through programs like Girl Talk 101, the center focuses on teaching life skills that help students become more confident and independent. This supportive environment helps participants reach their full potential.

In 2023, Girl Talk 101 received a grant from Power of the Purse of Berks County Community Foundation, which allowed the program to expand. The girls were able to learn more about managing their emotions and standing up for themselves. They also had the opportunity to make new friends and try new activities, like the horse therapy trip. This support made it possible for the program to include some of the most vulnerable girls, ensuring that everyone felt valued and included.

Local women leaders established the Power of the Purse Fund through the Berks County Community Foundation to support programs that help break the cycle of poverty by removing barriers for individuals looking to enter or re-enter the workforce or pursue the education they need. Thanks to this fund, Girl Talk 101 has been able to grow and help more girls each year. Programs like this are essential for giving girls the tools they need to become strong, confident individuals. With continued support, Girl Talk 101 will keep making a difference in the lives of girls with disabilities, helping them reach their full potential.

To Learn more about Power of The Purse Fund of Berks County Community Foundation: click here.

For grant opportunities currently accepting applications, click here

Berks Teens’ pregnancy prevention initiative, a program of Co-County Wellness Services, announced a significant decrease in teen birth rates in Berks County. Carolyn Bazik, Executive Director, recently shared the exciting news with funders in the community. This announcement is based on the newest data that has just been received from the Department of Health, from 2022. 

A community health needs assessment done in 2012 clearly outlined the need to do something impactful. Berks Teens, formerly Berks Teens Matter, was formed in 2014 to reduce teen pregnancy by 40% by 2022. Modeled as a collective of private and public stakeholders and as an initiative of Co-County Wellness Services, the goal was to develop and implement a plan, programs, and practices to reduce teen pregnancy. Many community partners lent support to the initiative from its inception including Berks County Community Foundation, United Way, Wyomissing Foundation, The Kindness Coalition, and Senator Judy Schwank. 

Since the program began in 2014, the teen birth rate has declined by 60.3% in the city of Reading and 56.5% in the county.  

“There had never been any programs in our community aimed at primary teen pregnancy prevention,” said Bazik, “or programs that taught youth the importance of postponing pregnancy until they were emotionally and financially capable. But there were a lot of programs that assisted teens after the birth of their child.”  

Berks Teens created a peer education group at Reading High School and a virtual group throughout the county. The Youth Ambassador program focuses on educating teen volunteers on things like consent, healthy relationships, birth control, and sexual health and follows the principles of comprehensive sex education. The Youth Ambassadors educate their peers and other youth throughout the community. They work with adolescents at programs like the Olivet Boys and Girls Club and create health campaigns at school.  

Berks Teens also started a Health Resource Center, funded by Access Matters, and based in Reading High School. They also conduct educational training in the community on things like “Giving the Talk”, “Supporting LGBTQ Youth”, and “Being an Askable Adult”. 

These numbers show that the investments that have been made and continue to be made are paying off!  Through increased education and awareness, birth rates are impacted, and for the first time in 12 years, the county’s rate is better than that of the United States. 

Carolyn Bazik said, “We knew when we began that the results would be slow in coming, but with continued efforts at raising awareness, the support of other community organizations, and the growing success of the Health Resource Center at the high school, we are making a difference.” 

This initiative was funded in part by support from multiple funds, including Arrow International Scholarship Fund, Bill Woolworth Memorial Fund for Berks Teens, Community General Hospital Fund, Hawley and Myrtle Quier Fund, Home Health Care Foundation Fund, Kim and Kevin Murphy Fund, and the Power of the Purse Fund, all managed by Berks County Community Foundation. For more information on Berks Teens or Co-County Wellness Services, contact

Imagine the daily challenges faced by a mother trying to provide the best for her child with disabilities. Accessibility issues can turn simple tasks into daunting obstacles. For one local mother, the dream of a reliable vehicle and a lift hoyer* seemed out of reach, but thanks to the Arthur O. and Clara M. Schlegel Memorial Fund of Berks County Community Foundation, this dream has become a reality.  

The purpose of the fund is to help to defray the costs of treating and correcting physical differences in children residing in Berks County who are either without parents or whose parents are unable financially to meet such expenses. Clara M. Schlegel originally established a trust fund in 1984 which required using an Advisory Board to award grants. The structure of the fund made it difficult to administer; at that time, prior to the creation of Berks County Community Foundation in 1994, there was no well-known charitable organization model in Berks County with an affiliated group to identify community needs.   

By August of 2000, an advisory board was created, including Kevin Murphy, president of Berks County Community Foundation, as a member. Kevin’s involvement on the advisory board included transferring the fund over to the foundation to start facilitating the distribution of grants. Since the time the Foundation has been managing the fund, the Arthur O. and Clara Schlegel Memorial Fund has distributed over 1.1 million dollars in grants in Berks County, overseen by the advisory group and Community Foundation staff members, myself included.   

Recently, a mother submitted an application to request an electric lift hoyer and assistance with purchasing a reliable vehicle. Jayvien, a 13-year-old male diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and Lowe syndrome, travels to Philadelphia every 3-6 months to see a specialist.  Due to recent car problems, appointments were missed and/or rescheduled. Jayvien also requires total assistance with transportation transfers and daily life activities. Jayvien’s mother and his grandmother have been helping, but using a manual lift is unsafe.   

After reviewing the request, I knew that this application should be presented to the advisory board for consideration. The Community Foundation has a solemn obligation to honor the donor’s intentions set forth when establishing their fund. I knew this fund could make an impact on this family.  

The committee approved the grant with the instructions to find a car through a dealership rather than a private owner and send the funds directly to the dealership towards the purchase of a reliable car, so that Jayvien can safely and reliably make his appointments in Philadelphia. The committee also approved the grant request for the electric lift hoyer.   

I met with Jayvien’s mother at the dealership, and she was grateful for the funding that was available to help her family. She said, “I truly appreciate all that you guys do. It has left a huge imprint in my heart, not so much the material things, but the root core of what the foundation stands for. The fact that this will help Jayvien as well as my family means the world to me, and I hope to be able to give back to the foundation to forward the help to families like mine. My family and I are forever grateful. Thank you so much!”   

The recent funding provided to the mother in need for her son with disabilities is a powerful testament to the ongoing impact of the Arthur O. and Clara M. Schlegel Memorial Fund. It’s a story of compassion and sparking change in the community.   

You can spark change in the community by creating a fund. Learn how you can do this by clicking here. To give to the Arthur O. and Clara M. Schlegel Memorial Fund, click here.   

  * A hoyer lift is a patient lift used by caregivers to safely transfer patients. It can be used for lifting patients from the floor or onto a healthcare bed. The lift also can assist in other surface-to-surface patient transfers, such as moving from a bed to a bath or chair.  

Thanks to the DentaQuest Fund of Berks County Community Foundation, an elementary day care center was able to provide a dental care program for their students.  

The grant will provide reimbursement to a dental professional for providing oral health services, on-site, to children enrolled in Riverview Christian Early Learning Center (RCELC) as part of an Oral Health Story Kit pilot program. While the Oral Health Story Kit provides oral health education to childcare staff, children, and families, there is a need for direct services and for families to obtain a dental home for ongoing oral care. A dental professional has agreed to provide the direct services described. 

Jenn Angstadt, Executive Director and Minister of Mentoring and Outreach of RCELC says, “I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to provide exceptional dentistry at our school through generous funding. We are overjoyed through faith and community partnerships that this was able to be accomplished and provide so many little ones with quality care. We owe it all to God who has paved the way for our success and growth.” 

The benefits of this program extend far beyond the immediate provision of dental care. Healthy teeth and gums contribute to better nutrition. Moreover, the presence of a dentist at the day care center opens opportunities for community engagement and education. Parents and caregivers receive valuable information on maintaining oral health at home, and the day care center becomes a hub of health and wellness in the community. 

Berks County Community Foundation, Berks Community Health Center and the Early Childhood Resource Center are working together to make this program available to other early learning facilities, but we need dental professionals. If you are a dental professional and would like to be part of the program, please email me at  

Imagine the fear and isolation of facing breast cancer without support. In Berks County, approximately 126 women receive this life-changing news each year, according to the Pennsylvania County Health Profiles. No one in Berks County needs to face breast cancer alone. Breast Cancer Support Services (BCSS) is there every step of the way.

Breast cancer treatment often leads to physical and emotional changes that can be difficult to process. BCSS recognizes the impact goes far beyond the physical. That’s why BCSS’s ‘Face Up to Safe Beauty’ program is so impactful. This empowering series of quarterly workshops equips individuals to reclaim their sense of beauty and confidence through exploration of health and wellness, skin care, and beauty basics.

“This program allows survivors to learn new information and share experiences, including setbacks and wins, in a safe, nurturing environment, knowing they are not alone in their journey,” says Michele M. Reinert, Executive Director of BCSS.

Founded in 1993 by survivors and their loved ones, BCSS understands the immense challenges faced by those diagnosed with breast cancer. Over the years, their services have grown and adapted to meet the ever-evolving needs of women, men, and families facing breast cancer. Whether it’s navigating treatment options, finding emotional support through peer connections, or simply fostering a sense of community, BCSS has the resources to empower individuals on their journey. In 2023 alone, 18 newly diagnosed women received complete makeup sets, expert instruction, and eyebrow shaping techniques. An additional 68 survivors participated in programs covering gut health, skincare, makeup blending, and more.

Michelle, a participant in Breast Cancer Support Service’s ‘Face Up to Safe Beauty’ program, experienced the value of the program first-hand. “I struggled to find beauty in losing my hair and eyebrows, along with the many changes in my skin,” Michelle says. “This session helped me practice drawing on my eyebrows and realize I can still feel good about looking in the mirror during treatment.”

“These programs have helped me feel more confident in my skin,” says participant Leslie. “Having time to focus on myself and what makes me feel good can be rare, so I am grateful for these workshops for helping me do that.”

This program is possible thanks to the Richard L. Henry Memorial Fund of Berks County Community Foundation.  This fund is dedicated to supporting women with breast cancer or organizations that aid them.

Visit the BCSS website today to learn how to get involved or donate. You can also inquire about volunteer opportunities and make a direct impact. Every act of kindness, big or small, empowers someone facing their toughest battle.

Over 100 students from the Berks County school districts came together on April 8th, 2024 at Muhlenberg High School for a mental health event. This inaugural event was created by the Youth Mental Health Ambassadors of Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC), along with students from Muhlenberg High School’s Avedium Club who saw the need in our community.

In the past decade, research has proven that psychological stress influences the physical body and can sometimes lead to death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 24 is suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that that one in seven 10 to 19-year-olds experience mental health conditions that are largely unrecognized and untreated.

The youth-driven and youth-led Building Unity in Our Community event took place on Monday, April 8th.  Student participants received information on mental health from local therapist Paige Schoelkofp from As You Are Counseling Services and from a youth-led panel discussion. Coping skills stations were set up to focus on art therapy, music therapy, journaling, equine therapy, and more! Each station had a hands-on experience. Students were able to participate and ask questions throughout the day.

This program was funded by the Home Health Care Foundation Fund of the Berks County Community Foundation. The Home Health Care Foundation Fund provides grants to organizations and programs that support preventative healthcare, community health, health-related charity care, and/or support in recovering from illness or a disability at home. This fund is available to organizations and programs that serve Berks County and/or those counties that are contiguous to it. To learn more about the fund, please click here.

“Without the funding, I strongly feel that our students would have made the program successful because of how passionate they are,” Lindsay Sites, YVC Program Director at VOiCEup Berks said. “Because of the funding, we were able to have a bigger impact and a bigger reach.”

VOiCEup Berks is an official affiliate of YVC. VOiCEup Berks creates opportunities for people to volunteer, learn and lead in their communities. YVC is a team-based service-learning program for youth ages 11-18. One of the many goals of YVC is to inspire youth to a lifetime commitment to service.

“I wanted to be part of YVC because my goal is to reduce the negative stigma related to mental health. When I graduate and move on from high school, my goal is for the students that come after me to continue reducing the stigma,” Addison McKittrick from Exeter High School said.

To learn more about VOiCEup Berks and how you can get involved, please click here.

In March 2023, the Berks County Commissioners released a study about public health in our community. The study was conducted by Health Management Associates and listed four recommendations:

1. Create a Berks County Health Director position to lead public health collective action and coordination and serve as a trusted communicator about public health information. 

2. Establish a Public Health Advisory Panel and appoint members who can advise on public health assessment, assurance, and policy activities. 

3. Support the establishment of a “Healthy Berks” Coalition to serve as a coordinating body for public health efforts in the county. 

4. Create a Berks County Health Data Analyst position to improve Berks County-specific public health data completeness and accuracy. 

The report and its recommendations have received nearly unanimous praise and support from our region’s medical community and voices representing a wide range of public responsibilities. You can access the report by clicking here.

As the commissioners prepare for a final decision on the study, we are happy to support Berks County Medical Society’s virtual lunch and learn conversation on March 6th, 2024, about this study and its path forward. This event was supported through the Community General Hospital Healthcare Fund of Berks County Community Foundation. The goal of this lunch and learn is to review the report and have an open discussion on the future of public health in our community.  

For more information and to save your virtual seat, click here. 

VOiCEup Berks has developed the Youth Mental Health Education Initiative, which addresses the need for accessible mental health resources for local youth while recognizing that young people have an easier time communicating with others their own age. VOiCEup will educate youth about mental health issues and the support systems available to them. 

Fifteen student participants, also known as Youth Mental Health Ambassadors (YMHA), will work directly with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), which will teach them about mental health topics, resources for support, and suicide prevention efforts. Once the YMHAs complete these learning requirements, they will assist VOiCEup Berks staff. This project was funded by the Home Healthcare Foundation Fund.

VOiCEup Berks promotes individual and community growth by connecting different sectors of Berks County through volunteer opportunities. The organization hopes to reach thousands of youths and adults in our community with this initiative, which includes the following activities:

To address the need for youth education on suicide prevention, VOiCEup Berks will educate local youth through “Question, Persuade, Refer” (QPR) training, a professional form of suicide prevention training. Certified VOiCEup Berks staff will train students on properly identifying and addressing a suicide crisis. Upon completion of the training, students should be able to persuade and refer someone to get help effectively. Young Mental Health Ambassadors, students at Yocum Institute, students from the VOiCEup Berks advisory board, and students from local high schools will receive training from the staff of VOiCEup Berks. 

The Yocum Institute will partner with VOiCEup to complete the “Suicide Prevention Through Art Collaboration” project. Yocum performers will bring a suicide awareness play called “Between Apt. 2B and the End Zone” to different high schools in Berks County. The primary goal of the play is to spark hope in the students watching while simultaneously reducing the stigma behind suicide. 

To reach as many Berks County residents as possible, Youth Mental Health Ambassadors will work alongside the Muhlenberg Aevidum Club and a marketing professional to create a suicide prevention marketing campaign. This campaign will be youth-driven and focused on normalizing discussions and treatment related to mental health. Promotions will include social media campaigns, printed content, an awareness video, t-shirts, and billboard advertising. 

To help parents handle mental health crises, there will be a workshop for parents to learn about the mental health needs of youth.

More information about the program can be found on the VOiCEup Berks website at

The Home Healthcare Foundation Fund supports:

Applications are now being accepted until March 15. For more information about the fund and to apply, please click here.

John Paul II Center for Special Learning created a monthly “girls only” club for girls ages 10 through 21. The goal of Girl Talk 101 is to create a safe space where young girls with special needs can discuss topics they may not feel comfortable discussing in front of their male classmates or at home. 

The program provides a safe space for girls to ask questions without feeling embarrassed. It also provides a support structure for families who may not know how to approach a sensitive subject. 

“Some parents may find it difficult to respond appropriately when their daughters ask questions relating to their personal hygiene,” says Melissah Jablonski, director of advancement of John Paul II Center for Special Learning.  

The Power of the Purse (POP) in Berks County Fund has awarded grants to Girl Talk 101. POP is a women’s giving circle that started in 2012 to support causes that improve the quality of life for women and children in Berks County. The idea came from Chiara Sockel Renninger, a financial advisor who had taken part in something similar in Lehigh Valley. 

“I wanted to start a group that would give local women a place to pool their charitable resources to improve the lives of women and girls in our community,” Renninger said. 

Since its inception, POP has provided more than $439,000 to many local organizations, including John Paul II Center for Girl Talk 101. 

John Paul II Center helps children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They acknowledge the dignity of all learners while challenging them daily to reach their potential. 

Applications for POP are open until January 24. To learn more about POP and to apply for funding, please click here

One of the ways we help to improve the quality of life for Berks County residents is by funding programs that help support education activities and the general health of the community which can include youth sports.  

 There are so many benefits to youth sports. Through sports, children learn a variety of skills that they can apply to life, such as leadership, teamwork, and discipline. Additionally, children are given the opportunity to practice a healthy activity while making friends at the same time.  

Reading Youth Legion Baseball recognized the need for affordable sports in the Reading Area and created a summer baseball team for youths. To help cover operational costs, the 2022 Community General Hospital Healthcare Fund granted the program $6,000. The funding covered the costs of team registration and insurance, new uniforms, baseball equipment, and umpire salaries. The team played in the Senior Berks American Legion League for a total of eight weeks. These eight weeks provided Reading Youth with a baseball experience with a competitive atmosphere comparable to standard travel baseball.   

The 2022 Community General Hospital Healthcare Fund supports a variety of causes, all of which benefit the general health of the Berks County community. To learn more about this fund, visit